Reiyukai America will be at the Los Angeles Tanabata Festival 2013

tanabata 2013

Reiyukai America is pleased to be part of the 5th Annual Los Angeles Tanabata Festival that will held in Little Tokyo.

After participating at the  festival in August 2012, Reiyukai America had multiple opportunities to get involved with the community and the organization is certainy looking forward to participate this year again!

Reiyukai America will be setting up a booth to introduce activities about Reiyukai and invite many people to join the cause!

If you still have not decided what to do in August, this is the event that you don’t want to miss! Check it out!


When:  Saturday, August 10, 2013, 11-7pm

Sunday, August 11, 2013, 11-5pm

Where:  Street side, Japanese American National Museum